Desperately Waiting... — INGER IVERSEN

Desperately Waiting...

I should be writing, but instead, I am here making a blog post about a short story. And that is perfectly okay. I am actually excited to write this post. After a few emails with questions and requests about the Bratva series, I've decided to share a bit of news with you. I DO plan to write more for this series. My new writing schedule is pretty lax for the rest of the year. I am only writing ONE more book in 2016. {You can read about that book here.} However, I am also focusing on getting all of my novels in AUDIO, too. So, that is where my focus is for 2016. Still, I plan to finish more of Jade and Sergei's story. In the meantime, check out my BRATVA PLAYLIST on SPOTIFY. 


BRATVA: Brothers in Sin

“You want to live?” Sergei’s dark Russian voice rained down on her, along with the smoke and ash. The destroyed building crumbled around them.

Her body burned in pain, but she forced a nod.

“Good, then remember—you did not see shit, you did not hear shit, and you do not know shit, da?” 

Unfortunately, Jade had seen shit, heard shit, and definitely knew shit.

The man, known as Sergei Yazov, towered above her promising hope and a new life, but at what cost?


